Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow Boxers

Last weekend when we took the boxers to the park it was wet and muddy and they needed a bath as soon as we got home. This week, there is 6 inches of snow. Snow makes going to the park a little difficult. We have to worry about the roads being bad and about getting too cold, especially Charlie and Vinny getting too cold. We also have to worry about the pads on their feet, because when they run on ice they get hurt. So, we have a Boxer Snow Survival Kit.

Ok, it's not really a survival kit, but there are a few things we have to get before we go play in the snow. The first thing is their winter jackets. I know, why would a dog need a jacket. Boxers get cold really fast. Boxers were originally breaded to be war dogs in Germany(says the history channel), but since they couldn't take the cold/heat they didn't make the cut. So, boxers need jackets. We want them to be able to play as long as possible to make them tired.

The jackets we have for them (which were a gift from the in-law's) are from L.L.Bean.

We also have to put something on the pads of their feet. Snow shoes will not work for them. They won't walk in shoes and they tear them off. 'Pad Guard' works well. We've went in the snow with out any foot protection before and they got blisters, now, no blisters.

So, here are some pics from today. Don't they look so cute in their coats?
[Warning: I like action shots]

...and here's a close-up of Vinny's face.

Like I 've said before, we are working on catching the frisbee.

Notice Vinny's face, again.

They liked the Cross Country Skier. 

Then we ended the day with a walk. 

Here is why we go to the park. Shhhh, they're sleeping. 

I've been showing some things I do to keep my dogs from being too hyper all day. What do you do? I've heard putting a backpack on them during walks would help....anyone ever try that?
-Thanks for Reading! 

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