Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tony's Birthday Weekend!

This past weekend Tony and I packed up the dogs and ventured back home to Pittsburgh for 3 days! Although it was Tony's birthday, we had some meetings with very important people regarding the house we are buying (everything is going great!)

Living 2-3 hours away from home probably makes Char and Vin the most traveled dogs I know, especially in the past few months. I must say, even though we visited three households this weekend and slept at two different houses, our dogs are troopers. They don't love being away from their home, but they adjust well. I'm so proud. 

We left the dogs with Tony's mom for a long time Friday for home inspections/mortgage appointments. We honestly would not be able to buy a house 2 hours away from where we are living now with out her. She has been watching them through out the search since we can't just leave them in Erie alone. Jackie (and Tony's dad, Joe) have two dogs too - Cartman and Butters (South park fans, obviously). Cartman & butters like to keep their distance. 

Greg holding Charlie, Vinny doesn't like it. 

Friday night we stayed at Tony's brother, Greg, and his boyfriend, Elliott's, house. Charlie and Vinny made them selves at home. 

Did I mention Greg and Elliott have a dog too? Adler! 

 Most of the pictures I have of Adler are a blur. That dog is fast.

I swear they aren't attacking Adler. 

We stayed at my parents house on saturday - The dogs were pretty tired that night. Besides chasing my niece and nephew around the house, this is what they did:

Today is Tony's birthday! 
We had lunch with Jackie, Joe, Greg and Elliott - Here is a pic of the birthday boy!

...and of course, every car ride home needs a picture of them sleeping in the back seat. 

Let's say it all together ....  awwwwweeeeeeee.

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